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Home Community Jobs at Los Rios Interview Resources

Getting an Interview

If you landed an interview, then congratulations! Make sure you have all necessary information about your interview, including:

Getting to Know Los Rios

Now that you have an interview scheduled, it's time to get to know the Los Rios Community College District, our four colleges, and the students and communities we serve.

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

The Los Rios Community College District has a strategic plan that focuses on increasing student access and success through enhanced teaching and learning opportunities and expanding the District’s role in workforce development.

Strategic Plan

Facts and Statistics

Facts and Statistics

We are committed to our students’ success. That’s why knowing the facts and statistics about who our students are – and how well they are doing – is so important.

Facts and Statistics

Economic Impact

Economic Impact

The Los Rios colleges positively impact the community by providing a skilled workforce and increasing the region's economic base.

Economic Impact

Our Colleges

Our Colleges

The Los Rios Colleges serve nearly 70,000 students throughout the Sacramento region. We offer a wide array of engaging degree, transfer, and certificate programs to help students into careers they’ve always dreamed of.

Our Colleges

More Interview Resources

Job Interview Process

Job Interview Process

Get information about our interview process and tips to help you prepare for an interview at Los Rios.

Job Interview Process

Candidate Reimbursement

Candidate Reimbursement

Los Rios reimburses certain interview candidates for a portion of travel costs if they reside outside of the city, state, or country. Travel reimbursement is based on GPS mileage from the person's physical address to the interview location.

Candidate Reimbursement

Downloadable Resources

Didn't Get an Interview?

Don't be discouraged if you didn't get an interview. Remember that some pools are more competitive than others and keep trying!

Take time to make sure your application materials reflect the specific qualifications of the job you are applying for.